Epacta AI API

Use our models, algorithms and infrastructure in your own systems
Open your website to new possibilities with image recognition technology

The company can access to the image recognition technologies which we offer directly from its website by using API.

This makes it possible to provide information, functions, content or data to customers in a more integrated and personalized way.

Photo which is send by the website, is submitted for processing by machine learning algorithms, which identify and decode information from the photo. The results and any additional data are presented on the customer's website according to the customer's needs, e.g. product data supplemented by the availability of additional accessories, spare parts, new models or replacements, etc.

All this contributes to a more efficient use of the existing website (without the need to invest in new applications or portals), creating an innovative customer service platform that allows the user to independently reach the information of interest. The use of APIs allows generating reports with data processed by artificial intelligence.

Data and machine learning model


We use our own machine learning model for detection.

We do not use ChatGPT.

In this soluition we do not use any public cloud (e.g. AWS, Google etc.) for storing the data.